“Hi, I’m Saima Bukhari, Foodie Founder and Director at Alif Qatar. I’m on a mission to help and guide people globally into eating healthier and make better choices with food. Dining out doesn’t mean that we should have unhealthy heavy calories meals but balancing our nutrition and routine is important.
When I first started working with people for weight loss it worried me that most of them did not learn a lifestyle which is beneficial in the long term. My clients were focused on short term results which eventually drove them to go back to their unhealthy habits.
With Alif, we are the first of its kind in Qatar establishing a healthier lifestyle that carries a sustainable lifestyle. We don’t like words like diet or weight loss because it’s our journey that gives us the ability to hit those health goals. “Alif” is “A” in arabic.. for us to be the best version of ourselves. Our menu includes a wide range of tasty meals that carry dozens of nutrients that our bodies really need. You can subscribe with us and choose one of our meal plans that can be delivered at your doorstep.”